"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."
2 Tim 3:16 (NKJV)
First, you need a Bible, and you need to read it, and know it. Why? Because these are the very words of God "breathed out" to mankind. If you don't have a Bible, try visiting http://biblegateway.com. If you're in the Ripon area and need a Bible, let us know.
Mankind is sinful according to Romans Ch 3.
You can't do anything to earn forgiveness of your sins (Eph 2:8 - 9)
But God did something for you, Christ earned the forgiveness of sins: (John 3:16,17)
Christ died to pay the penalty for your sins, and He rose again proving that He has victory over death! Read about how He died and rose again in the Scripture here. Only by accepting God's gift and believing that Christ, the Son of God, paid your penalty can anyone be forgiven of their sins, or 'saved.' This is the truth from God.
We want to be sure you understand salvation because of the eternal consequences. If you have any questions, please call us at 920-748-3936, or email us at pastor@riponbaptistchurch.org
You need to have a church family to support you, one that preaches from the scriptures, and is following what the scriptures teach. If you're near to us in Wisconsin, we'd love to have you visit.
Find a mentor
Our facilities are newly located on Oshkosh Street across from Hillside Dental, right next to the walking trail in what was formerly the Affinity Clinic. 635 W Oshkosh St, Ripon, WI
Phone: 920-748-3936
Email: pastor@riponbaptistchurch.org
© 2025 Ripon Baptist Church. 635 W Oshosh St, Ripon, WI 54971