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Hebrews 10:23-25

Dear Sheep (and Dustin)

Lets talk this week about Hebrews 10:23-25. I would like you to read it now and then come back for the rest of the “Pen”. I will make it a simple interpretation.

Verse 23 simply says do not waiver in your faith. Do not give up, do not revert, do not slow in your growth. Why is this the admonishment here and what is the “drive”? Well, it says “He who promised is faithful”. Put simply, God is not done, gone nor leaving. He is still here to carry us. He is still here to lead us. He is still on His throne. Keep up the faith and the fight because God is still sovereign and working in YOUR life.

Verse 24 tells us to “think of others” and to provoke them to love and good works. Mostly to not be focused on ourselves but how we can bless others. Look at it this way… if you think only of yourself, there is only one person thinking of you. If we all think of others first then we all have 10,20,30, or more people thinking of us. It is a mathematically advantageous formula.

Verse 25, we still need to assemble together. It may be different then we are used to but it still needs to be done. We are not yet where we need to consider obeying God rather then man (Acts 5:29) but we do need to obey the scriptures and seek fellowship. We might be preaching to cars in a parking lot, we might be FaceTiming, or maybe a good old fashion “small group”. Never the less we still need to meet together. This is what our Spiritual Gifts are for. And how we are supposed to use them.

This last verse tells us to “Exhort” one another. This word means “to incite by words or advice, to animate or urge by arguments to a good deed or to any laudable (act deserving praise) conduct or course of action.” Basically keep one another accountable and be a blessing to them without having to be asked to do it.

Ok RBC, get out there and preach, teach, admonish, exhort (Colossians 3:16). Use your Gift even in the time of Covid-19 lock down. We are the children of the God of all creation. He is not limited which means you have no limits. Do the hard work and bring Praise and Glory to our Good and Great God.

Love y’all



Our facilities are newly located on Oshkosh Street across from Hillside Dental, right next to the walking trail in what was formerly the Affinity Clinic. 635 W Oshkosh St, Ripon, WI

Phone: 920-748-3936


© 2025 Ripon Baptist Church. 635 W Oshosh St, Ripon, WI 54971