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The Opposite of Divde

Psalm 133

“The Opposite of Divided”

Sheep (and Dustin)

I am currently reading in the Psalms and I often get overwhelmed by what seems to be repetition. There is a lot of praise, a lot of complaining, and lots of words about things I don’t understand. I admit I am NOT a reader so maybe it would make sense if I was more intimate with the English language. The Psalms are wisdom and often presented poetically, they are the intimate thoughts and emotions of the Saints from millennia past. I read on and re-read on and try my best to get what I can. Today I was distracted (which is not hard to do) by a word that I actually know but was confused by none the less. It was found in

Psalm 133:1

 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in Unity!”

Did you see it to? Did it make you stop and ponder? It is quite perplexing isn’t it!! If we are on the same page then we are truly “unified” in our perplex(tion). We then see “eye to eye”. We are on the same page. We stand “unified”.

I love to define words because in our society where you and I “think” what we want and therefore what I “think” is true is Hog wash!!! Truth is truth and is only found in the Scriptures, the 66 books from Genesis to Revelation. The word IS truth (John 17:17).

The definition of “Unity” is “Together, or at one with someone or something”. So I ask myself… “self?” Are we (RBC) unified. This begs the question “if we are, then what are we unified by?” It is good to be unified but if our unity is over a common evil, or work, or selfish goal then what is the point? Let me take a moment to share what we should be unified over. Remember that the passage says “brethren” so the Psalmist is referring to believers which means this is not about politics or social issues or current affairs. This is about the unity of the Body of Believers.

Let me suggest an outline(ish)

* We do agree on doctrine, at least to the point we agree to be Baptist by name

* Do we agree on “practice”? I think for the most part yes. There are minor variations but most if not all are preference and liberties not errors.

* So let me suggest a “mission statement” approach, how about…

     “To Grow Believers by Sanctification through the work of the Holy Spirit, Service to the Local Body via Spiritual Gifts, and Daily Sharing the Gospel both in deed and Word”.

You could sum it up this way… To Educate, Practice, and Produce

If we are to be what Psalm 133:2 refers to as “precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron…” then we better get unified.  This means, be in the Word, Prayer and use of Gifts. There is no room for rouge mavericks, independent heroes, or rebels. Unity is about coming together and being “one”. 

There are leaders that the Lord has “ordained” to guide and direct but even they must be together. God has placed a structure (as a God who loves order, 1 Corinthians 14:33) in the home for the Husband, wife, children. In the Church for Pastor, Deacon. In our Government and in our world (man has dominion). At a time when anarchy and descension is practiced we, more then anyone, as believers need to be unified. Let me sum it up with Hebrews 12:1-2 “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

It is not about “patriotism”, nor “equality” nor is it about “preservation of a nation”. It is about a central and singular focus on the Word of God as it pertains to the Glory of Jesus Christ. Don’t get pulled in, but rather pull others out of the mire. Unification is a decision based on the truth of God.

Love Y’all



Our facilities are newly located on Oshkosh Street across from Hillside Dental, right next to the walking trail in what was formerly the Affinity Clinic. 635 W Oshkosh St, Ripon, WI

Phone: 920-748-3936


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