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Who Are "They?"

Sheep (and Dustin)

Anyone remember when I preached on a single word for 3 messages? My kids do. Well, here is an entire Zebra Pen centered on one word… “They”. In 2 Timothy 4:1-5 we have 2 encouragements and 1 warning. Encouragement 1. Preach the Word. Encouragement 2. Do not compromise the TRUTH. Warning – if you fail at 1 and 2 the sheep will leave and do so with dire consequences.

The one word to look at here is in verse 3 “for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers:”(bold and italics added). The question is who are “they”. Well it turns out that it is not unbelievers but weak and immature believers. Timothy was a superb preacher and did not waver in his faith nor his preaching. Paul is cautioning Timothy to never waver nor ease up on his preaching because the sheep will begin to look for what makes them happy, or what is easy, or what is “yummy”. Paul tells us that this is a bad thing. And we see in Matthew 13:18-23 (parable of the sowers explained) That this will cause many to fall away or become useless. Even worse it could result in lies and heresy.

I don’t always like my veggies and fruits but if I only ate what was yummy and tasty I would be obese and sickly. The “Word” may not always taste good but it will keep us healthy and Wise.

Please don’t look to false teachers who will tell you what you WANT to hear, or that will tickle your ears with pithy, clever, and interesting fables. The TRUTH of God’s Word is sufficient. And will keep you from harm and despair. Because it matters… this applies to all arenas of life.

Free cheese is mostly found on mouse traps. Free candy is used to kidnap kids. The best tasting foods are the least healthy. If we want it bad enough, someone will find a way to profit off of our desires. The Word of God is harsh, often bitter, and never easy to swallow. Think!! Be Wise!!! Only have faith in God!!! Know your Master!!!!  

Love y’all



Our facilities are newly located on Oshkosh Street across from Hillside Dental, right next to the walking trail in what was formerly the Affinity Clinic. 635 W Oshkosh St, Ripon, WI

Phone: 920-748-3936


© 2025 Ripon Baptist Church. 635 W Oshosh St, Ripon, WI 54971